No matter how good the opportunity is, you’ll always find someone who raises objections as to why they can’t buy, can’t sell, and can’t get involved. Nine times out of ten, these ‘nay-sayers’ are all giving the same reasons so having some top MLM tricks up your sleeve helps you avoid rejection.
As a marketer, you need to know what their ‘no’ reasons are before you present so that you’ll be prepared. Here are some of the top reasons for a no and the solution to turn it around and get a yes.
One reason for a ‘no’ is the, “I can’t afford to quit my job” excuse. Explain how they can conduct MLM business in their spare time until they build up to the income level they want and then they can have the satisfaction of telling their boss goodbye.
Another reason that you’ll hear a ‘no’ is because of the bad MLM opportunities that fleeced people out of their hard earned money. Once a reputation is lived up, it’s hard to live down and because of dishonest MLM companies, unfortunately, the entire industry got painted with the same brush.
But you can overcome this by pointing out companies that have been around for years that are MLM companies. There are well-known cosmetic companies, health product companies and even scrapbooking companies that are MLM companies.
Not only are they flourishing, but they have solid reputations. So do some research on these good companies so that you’ll be prepared to talk about them in case you get rejected based on the reputation of a bad MLM business.
Another common point of rejection is, “I can’t afford to get into a MLM program” or “I can’t afford to pay to join.” A way to turn this into a ‘yes’ is to explain how MLM works and how their initial investment is something they can get back and then some.
Explain how most legitimate companies do require small investments to pay for the cost of the advertising information they’ll use to give to recruits. Make sure you explain that these are tools for their use.
You might also hear a rejection in the form of, “I don’t believe in those ‘make millions overnight’ scams” and you should respond with, “Neither do I. If it sounds too good to be true, then it usually is. But I’m talking about real work, not a way to get something for nothing.”
One of the number one reasons people say no to MLM opportunities is the, “I’m not any good at selling” excuse. The way to turn this no into a yes is to explain that the old ‘door to door, get your family involved in buying’ went out ages ago.
Explain that today, when you join an MLM company, you can get leads given to you and even have an online presence where potential buyers can find you. There are more ways than ever for them to be successful but they do have to give it a chance. These MLM tricks aren’t a way to scam your prospects – they’re a way to offer peace of mind and clarification on some common myths.