Online MLM Strategies You Should Steer Clear Of

Work it the right way and network marketing can yield lucrative financial results for anyone. But if you employ online MLM strategies that are annoying, harassing or illegal, you could be blocked, banned or end up in trouble with the authorities in your state. You know if you’re engaging in practices that don’t feel quite right because your stomach will get that ‘knots in the middle’ feeling.

One of the biggest no-no’s in network marketing is sending out unsolicited email messages to people who did not sign up for your list and did not opt-in to receive any information from you.

This is known as spamming and in many states, spammers are prosecuted by the Attorney General’s office. You could end up paying out thousands of dollars for every violation of spam laws.

When you send out email messages to those who have signed up to receive information, make sure your message has an unsubscribe link. If they don’t want to hear from you, make it easy for them to unsubscribe. Never knowingly antagonize your public – they might turn around and become a client one day.

Another don’t regarding an online MLM strategy is contacting those who have signed up to your list – too often. Sending a barrage of information or email will irritate even the most congenial people.

Keep in mind that sporadic contact can be just as bad as over contacting someone. You don’t want your list wondering who is reaching out to them and deleting your messages unread.

When you set up a website, avoid hype at all costs. Don’t engage in phony testimonials. It’s unethical and illegal. One lawsuit was filed in New York to the tune of $300,000 for fake testimonials. The purpose of such testimonials is to dupe people into believing that other people have used the product or service and are happy with it. There are far too many good MLM companies and products that you can promote without resorting to underhanded tactics.

Don’t partner online with a marketer whose business reeks of a pyramid scheme. You might not be guilty of acting illegally but you become known by those you associate with.

Don’t buy third party contact information. If marketer A works for an MLM company selling skin care products and he’s decided to leave the business, it’s unethical for him to sell or give you his list of interested parties if you’re in a different type of MLM business.

If you’re in the same business, then you’re only getting leads from him and this is an ethical practice. Protect your reputation by engaging only in online MLM strategies that are honest and will benefit everyone in the long run.

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About the Author: MLM FAQ

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